Wednesday, July 15, 2015


fell free to read ALL posts, they range from the basic GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL to other informative topics. Help Yourself

Monday, July 6, 2015


FOR A NEW WAY, A NEW AGE, THROUGH LIFE, BE BORN AGAIN, BECOME WHO YOU WERE MEANT TO BE (IT MAY NOT BE EASY, IT MAYBE) ......THE FIRST TWO REQUIREMENTS ARE AS FOLLOWS ----Turn to Yeshua, REPENT or give up your sins to him,be sorry, ask for forgiveness and the strength to overcome, ask HIM what HE wants from you, if not already, get BAPTISED (by a christian, pastor or priest)ALL DONE. LET GO, LET GOD. ...worship now, pray now.see what happens......LET GOD.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


we beleive in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, of all that is SEEN AND UNSEEN. We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from tRUE gOD, BEGOTTEN , NOT MADE, OF ONE BEING WITH THE fATHER , THROUGH hIM ALL THINGS WERE MADE. for us and for our salvation, HE CAME DOWN FROM hEAVEN, WAS INCARNATE OF THE hOLY sPIRIT AND THE vIRGIN mARY AND BECAME FULLY hUMAN. fOR OUR SAKE HE WAS cRUCIFIED UNDER pONTIUS pILATE. he suffered death and was buried. on the third day he rose again, in accordance with the scriptures, he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the FATHER, He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and His Kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit , the Lord the Giver of life, who proceeds fro the Father and the Son, who in Unity with the Father and the Son is worshipped and Glorified and has Spoken Through the prophets, we believe in one Holy worldwide Church, we acknowledge one Baptism for the Forgiveness of sins. We look for the Ressurection of the Dead and the Life of THE WORLD TO COME. AMEN

Monday, September 1, 2014


IT IS WRITEN - WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR MEN , IS POSSIBLE FOR GOD. so persevere in prayer, in faith and thanksgiving, put your supplications before the FATHER , through yeshua adeneinu (jesus)and the power of the Holy spirit and if it is in accordance with His will, God does answer prayers. Never underestimate the power of God.All things are possible through him, he is our refuge and he will rise up and protect us .Grant us his prosperity (ps. 118)commit your cause to the Lord , let him rescue you (ps. 22) Amen, God bless Jerusalem and Israel, god Bless those who live in Jerusalem & Israel, God Bless those who love Jerusalem & Israel, Selah

Thursday, August 28, 2014


A TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC REQUEST PRAYER Please pray the Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena. Should be said nine times a day for nine days. This can help. You must promise to re-circulate /share /publish this prayer. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adorned and glorified now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus I put my trust in you. Holy Mary mother of Jesus pray for me. Saint Theresa of the child Jesus pray for me. Saint Jude of hopeless cases pray for me and grant this favor I ask. Amen. (mention your request here). Also pray the Holy Spirit Prayer: prayer can only succeed by the power of the Holy spirit , if it is the will of the Father , JAH.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Holy Spirit, You who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, You who gave me the DIvine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and You who are in all instances of my life with me, I want to thank You for everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with You and my loved ones in Your Perpetual Glory Amen! (Mention your request. While making your request you must promise to (a) publish the prayer or (b) circulate the favor. (This prayer should be said for 3 consecutive days. After the 3rd day, the request will be granted, no matter how difficult it may be.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


IT IS WRITTEN "for Jah so loved the world he SENT HIS ONLY SON , so that all who believe in HIM may have Eternal Life" WHAT DOES THIS MEAN - ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BELIEVE IN YESHUA - IT IS WRITTEN - BY HIM -all prophets who come after him are false prophets, so only by him and no other. A human being has a body and a Soul, when the body dies from death , the soul keeps living in another spirit world. However Jah has declared a date for his Judgement at the end of time.This is when those who fail Judgement lose their souls as well, THE SECOND DEATH is the death of the soul But those who believe in Yeshua (Jesus) and his Resurrection, take the first Judgement , Christs Judgement and are saved. The Book of the New Covenant (Testament or The Gospel)Revelation chapters 20,("Death and the world of the Dead are thrown into the lake of fire,(this is the second death)")--- THE NEW WORLD BROTHERS--- Revelation - chapter 21--- "THEN I SAW A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH ------ AND I SAW THE HOLY CITY, THE NEW JERUSALEM COMING OUT OF HEAVEN FROM JAH" READ THIS FOR A DESCRIPTION OF THIS PLACE- MADDE FROM PURE CLEAR GOLD ---- HOWEVER TAKE NOTE - IT IS WRITTEN "The cowardly, unbeleivers, the abominable, murderers, fornicators (immoral sexually) sorcerers,idolaters and liars, --- shall end up in the lake of fire - " THE SECOND DEATH A NEW WORLD WHERE THERE IS NO MORE DEATH, NO MORE SUFFERING OR TEARS, ONLY JOY AND ETERNAL LIFE ITS IN THIS LIFE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD , WHERE WE GET OUR CHANCE , ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS BELEIVE AND ACCEPT YESHUA OF NAZARETH AS OUR KING AND SAVIOUR - THEN WE CAN START STUDYING AND WALKING THE WALK AND TALKING THE TALK. ITS NOT EASY BEING A CHRISTIAN , BUT ITS THE ONLY WAY. REGARDS